Dr. Kow-Ching Chang

Dr. Kow-Ching  Chang


  • Professor

Contact Information

Office: 228-762-7783
Coastal Research & Ext Center



  • University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Doctor of Philosophy (PHD), Food Science & Tech
  • University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Master of Science (MS), Food Science & Tech
  • Chinese Culture University, Bachelor of Science (BS), Food and Nutrition

Research Interests

Enhancing food safety and post-harvest utilization of Mississippi grown foods through novel processing technologies and product quality enhancement of soybean, catfish, seafood, oysters, shrimps, muscadine grapes and vegetables.



Year Publications

Zhou, Y., Jiang, Y., Zhang, Y., Yokoyama, W., Wu, J., Chang, K., Hong, H., Luo, Y., Li, B., Tan, Y. 2025. Unveiling a new chapter for collagen peptides: Comprehensive insights into oral bioavailability and the enhancement via encapsulation systems. . Trends in Food Science & Technology 156:104849.


Chang, K., Tan, Y., Cao, Y. 2024. Characteristics of soy films as affected by transglutaminase cross-linking and inclusions of pectin and protein enhancers. Journal of Food Science 89:4389–4402.


Ding, N., Zhou, Y., Dou, P., Chang, K., Feng, R., Hong, H., Luo, Y., Tan, Y. 2024. Colorful and nutritious abundance: potential of natural pigment application in aquatic products. Food Innovation and Advances 3(3):232-243.


Shi, M., Chang, K., Li, J., Puppala, N. 2024. Identification and protein characterization of relatively lower major allergen peanut . Agric. Res. Technol. 28(5): ARTOAJ.MS.ID.556424. 28(5):ARTOAJ.MS.ID.556424..


Chang, K., Tan, Y. 2024. Mass yields, antioxidant and anti-DU145 prostate cancer cell proliferation properties of ProSoy Soymilk as affected by extraction methods and cooking. Antioxidants 13:755.


Tan, Y., Chang, K. 2024. Phenolics in soymilk manufactured from black and Proto soybeans by two continuous-UHT-processing technologies inhibit DU145- prostate cancer cell proliferation through apoptosis. . Journal of Food Science 89:9936-9954.


Zhou, Y., Feng, C., Hong, H., Luo, Y., Chang, K., Tan, Y. 2024. Plastein reaction enhances the emulsifying and rheological properties of silver carp hydrolysates in oil-in-water emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids 153:110048 .


Chen, R., Chang, K., Gillen, A., Chen, P., Zhang, B. 2024. Relationships between protein and other chemical composition and texture of tofu made from soybeans grown in different locations. Journal of Food Science 89:89:1428-1441.


Zhou, Y., Jiang, J., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Chang, K., Hong, H., Luo, Y., Tan, Y. 2024. Silver carp swim bladder collagen derived from deep eutectic solvents: Enhanced solubility against pH and NaCl stresses. Biological Macromolecules 281:136315 .


Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Chang, K., Luo, Y., Hong, H., Tan, Y. 2024. Utilizing fish waste as a sustainable nitrogen source for enhancing growth and metabolism regulation in Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis BB-12. Journal of Cleaner Production 447 :141076 .


Williams, H., Stafne, E. T., Zhang, Y., Chang, K. 2024. Pruning and In-Season Canopy Manipulation affect ‘MidSouth’ Juice and Wine Phenolic Content. Beverages


Liu, A., Philip, K., Jia, J., Deng, P., Zhang, D., Chang, K., Lu, S. 2023. Development of a qPCR Detection Approach for Pathogenic Burkholderia cenocepacia Associated with Fresh Vegetables. Food Microbiology 115:104333.


Zhang, Y., Chang, K. 2023. Microbial transglutaminase enhances the gelation properties of protein isolate extracted from catfish byproducts . Foods 12(10):2029.


Meenu, M., Chen, P., Mradula, M., Chang, K., Xu, B. 2023. New insights into chemical compositions and health-promoting effects of black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Food Frontiers 2023:1-20.


Kingsley, D. H., Chang, K., Annous, B. A., Pillai, S. D. 2023. Evaluation of riboflavin as an enhancer for X-ray and E-beam irradiation. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 203:110645.


Williams, H., Stafne, E. T., Zhang, Y., Chang, K. 2023. Evaluating the Effects of Early Pruning, Leaf Removal, and Shoot Thinning on ‘MidSouth’ Grapes Over Two Consecutive Vintages in South Mississippi . Agronomy 13(2):368.


Park, S., Chang, K. 2022. Development of recombinase polymerase amplification combined with lateral flow dipstick assay to detect hemolysin gene of Vibrio vulnificus in oysters. J. Food Protection 85(12):1716-1725.


Tsai , Y., Kung, H., Lin, C., Hwang , C., Huang, C., Chang, K., Lee , Y. 2022. Combined effect of brine salting and high-hydrostatic-pressure processing to improve the microbial quality and physicochemical properties of milkfish fillet. Intl. J. Food Properties 25: 872-884.


Lin, C., Lee, Y., Kung, H., Cheng, Q., Ou, T., Chang, K., Tsai, H. 2022. Inactivation of microbial loads and retardation of quality loss in Asian hard clam (Meretrix lusoria) using high-hydrostatic-pressure processing during refrigerated storage. Food Control 133:108583.


Zhang, Y., Chang, K. 2022. Trypsin inhibitor activity, phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of soymilk as affected by grinding temperatures, heating methods and soybean varieties. . LWT-Food Science and Technology 153:112424.


Zhang, Y., Chang, K. 2022. Zhang, Y. and Chang, K. C. 2022. Color and texture of surimi-like gels made of protein isolate extracted from catfish by-products are improved by washing and adding soy whey. J of Food Science 87 (7):3057-3070.


Yang, Y., Chang, K., Zhang, Y. 2022. Determination of protease inhibitors, glycinin and beta-conglycinin in soybeans and their relationships . Journal of Food Science


Tan, Y., Tam, C., Rolston, M., Alves, P., Chen, L., Shi, M., Hong, H., Chang, K., Yokohyama, W. 2021. Quercetin ameliorates insulin resistance and restores gut microbiome in mice on high-fat diets. . Antioxidants 10:1251.


Kode, D., Nannapaneni, R., Chang, S. 2021. Low-level tolerance to antibiotic trimethoprim in QAC-adapted subpopulations of Listeria monocytogenes. Foods 10(8):1800.


Bansal, M., Dhowlaghar, N., Nannapaneni, R., Kode, D., Chang, K., Sharma, C. S., McDaniel, C., Kiess, A. 2021. Decreased biofilm formation by planktonic cells of Listeria monocytogenes in the presence of sodium hypochlorite. Food Microbiology 96:103714.


Kode, D., Nannapaneni, R., Bansal, M., Chang, K., Cheng, W., Sharma, C., Kiess, A. 2021. Low-Level Tolerance to Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic Ciprofloxacin in QAC-Adapted Subpopulations of Listeria monocytogenes. Microorganisms 9(5):1052.


Chang, K., Zhang, Y. 2021. Optimization of protein extraction from catfish by- products and properties of the protein isolates. J. Food Science 86:3061–3074 :3061-3074.


Liao, J., Chen , Y., Shih, M., Tain, ., Yeh , Y., Chiu, M-H.,, M., Chang, K., Hou, C. 2021. Resveratrol butyrate ester inhibits BPA-induced liver damage in offspring male rats by modulating antioxidant capacity and gut microbiota . International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(10):5273.


Tain , Y., Chang, K., Liao, J., Chen , Y., Li , Y., Huang, H., Hou , C. 2021. Synthesis of short-chain-fatty-acid resveratrol esters and their antioxidant properties . Antioxidants 10(3):424.


Tan, Y., Chang, K. 2021. Protein extraction pH and cross-linking affect physicochemical and textural properties of protein gels made from Channel catfish by-products. . J. Sci. Food Agric. 101:4799-4807.


Zhang, Y., Chang, K. 2021. Trypsin inhibitor activity, phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of soymilk as affected by grinding temperatures, heating methods and soybean varieties. . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.112424 153:112424.


Kumari, S., Chang, K. 2020. Changes in isoflavones, phenolic acids and antioxidant activities of soybean products as affected by fermentation and non-fermentation processing techniques . J. of Food and Nutritional Sciences 2(1):66-89.


Bansal , M., Dhowlaghar, N., Nannapaneni, R., Kode , D., Chang, K., Cheng, W., Obe, T., Kiess, A. 2020. Factors affecting Listeria monocytogenes biofilm formation in food processing environments and its control. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Science Vol. 65(3):267-282.


Tain , Y., Jheng, L., Chang, K., Chen, Y., Huang, L., Liao, J., Hou , C. 2020. Synthesis and characterization of novel resveratrol butyrate esters which have ability to prevent fat accumulation in a liver cell culture model. Molecules 25(18):4199.


Liu, S., Zhong, H., Meng, X., Sun, T., Li, Y., Pinson, S., Chang, K., Peng, Z. 2020. Genome-wide association studies of ionomic and agronomic traits in USDA minicore collection of rice and comparative analyses of different mapping methods . BMC Plant Biology


Wu, Y., Chang, K. 2020. The efficacy of X-ray doses on Vibrio vulnificus in pure culture and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in pure culture and inoculated farm raised live oysters (Crassostrea virginica) with different acceleration voltage. Food Control 115:107277.


Cui, L., Chang, K., Nannapaneni, R. 2020. Comparative studies on the effect of probiotic additions on the physicochemical and microbiological properties of yoghurt made from soymilk and cow's milk during refrigeration storage. Food Control 119:107474.


Wang , C., Chen, Y., Tain, Y., Chang, K., Huang, L., Hsieh , C., Hou, . 2020. Fast quantification of short-chain fatty acids in rat plasma by gas chromatography. J. Food Science 85(6):1932-1938.


Chen, Y., Chang, K., Zhang, Y., Hsu, C., Nannapaneni, R. 2020. Gut microbiota and short chain fatty acid composition as affected by legume type and processing methods as assessed by simulated in vitro digestion assays . Food Chemistry 312:126040.


Wu, Y., Chang, K., Tan, Y., Zhang, Y., Mahmoud, B. 2020. Carp muscle protein patterns and textural properties as affected by starch additions to the mince protein gels made from wild grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bigmouth buffalo carp (Ictiobus cyprinellus). J. Food and Nutritional Sciences 2:1-18.


Handa, C. L., Zhang, Y., Kumari, S., Xu, J., Ida, E., Chang, K. 2020. Comparative study of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition of soy foods as affected by processing methods and protein isolation . Processes 8(8):978-.


Meng, S., Tan, Y., Chang, K., Li, J., Maleki, S., Pappula, N. 2020. Peanut allergen reduction and functional property improvement by means of enzymatic hydrolysis and transglutaminase crosslinking. Food Chemistry 302:125186.


Bansal, M., Nannapaneni, R., Kode, D., Chang, S., Sharma, C., McDaniel, C., Kiess, A. 2019. Rugose morphotype in Salmonella Typhimurium and S. Heidelberg induced by sequential exposure to subinhibitory NaOCl aids in biofilm tolerance to lethal NaOCl on polystyrene and stainless steel surfaces. Frontiers in Microbiology 10:2704.


Tan, Y., Gao, H., Chang, K., Bechetel, P., Mahmoud, B. 2019. Comparative studies on the yield and characteristics of myofibrillar proteins from catfish heads and frames extracted by two methods for making surimi-like protein gel products. Food Chemistry 272:133-140.


Huang, Y., Tsai, Y., Ma, Y., Chang, K. 2019. In vitro hypoglycemic, cholesterol-lowering, and fermentation capacities of fiber-rich orange pomace as affected by extrusion. . Intl. J. Biol. Macromolecules 124:796-801.


Meng, S., Li, J., Chang, K., Maleki, S. 2019. Quantitative and kinetic analyses of peanut allergens as affected by food processing. . Food Chemistry X 1:100004-10.


Tan, Y., Chang, K., Meng, S. 2019. Comparing the kinetics of the hydrolysis of by- product from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fillet processing by eight proteases. . LWT-Food Sci & Technol. 111:809-820.


Zhang, Y., Chang, K. 2019. Zhang, Y and Chang, K. C. 2019. Comparative studies on ACE inhibition, degree of hydrolysis, antioxidant property and phenolic acid composition of hydrolysates derived from simulated in vitro gastrointestinal proteolysis of three thermally treated legumes. . Food Chemistry. 281:154-162. .


Dhowlaghar, N., Abeysundara, P. D., Nannapaneni, R., Schilling, M. W., Chang, K., Cheng, W., Sharma, C. S. 2018. Growth and biofilm formation by Salmonella spp. in catfish mucus extract on four food-contact surfaces at 22°C and 10°C and their reduction. . Food Microbiology 70:172-180.


Soni, B., Mahmoud, B. S., Chang, S., El-Giar, E. M., Hassan, E. M. 2018. Physicochemical, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant properties of Chitosan/TEMPO Biocomposite Packaging Films. Food Packaging and Shelf Life 17:73-79.


Zhang, Y., Pechan, T., Chang, S. 2018. A comparative study on the yield, phenolic composition, antioxidant capacity and angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibition of phenolics extracted from three legumes of different genera. J of Functional Foods 42:289-297.


Dhowlaghar, N., De Abrew Abeysundara, P., Nannapaneni, R., Schilling, M. W., Chang, K., Cheng, W., Sharma, C. S. 2018. Biofilm formation by Salmonella spp. in catfish mucus extract under industrial conditions. Food Microbiology 70:172-180.


Tan, Y., Chang, K. 2018. Isolation and characterization of collagen extracted from channel catfish skin. Food Chemistry 242(3):147-155.


Chang, S., Chen, Y., Chen, J., Zhang, Q., Yu, H. 2018. Characterization of microbial community succession during vericomposting of medicinal herbal residues. Bioresource Technology 249:542-549.


Xu, J., Mukherjee, D., Chang, S. 2018. Physico-chemical properties and storage stability of soybean protein nanoemulsions prepared by ultra-high pressure homogenization. Food Chemistry 240(2):1005-1013.


Zhang, Y., Chang, S., Stringer, S., Zhang, Y. 2017. Characterization of titratable acids, phenolic compounds, and antioxidant activities of wines made from eight Mississippi-grown muscadine varieties during fermentation. LWT-Food Science and Technologyu 86:302-311.


Mukherjee, D., Chang, S., Zhang, Y., Mukherjee, S. 2017. Effect of ultra-high pressure homogenization and hydrocolloids on physico-chemical and storage properties of soymilk. J. Food Science 82(10):2313-2320.


Abeysundara, P. D., Dhowlaghar, N., Nannapaneni, R., Schilling, M. W., Chang, K., Mahmoud, B. S., Sharma, C. S., Ma, D. 2017. Growth and biofilm formation by Listeria monocytogenes in cantaloupe flesh and peel extracts on four food-contact surfaces at 22 °C and 10 °C. Food Control 80:131-142.


Dhowlaghar, N., Abeysundara, P. D., Nannapaneni, R., Schilling, M. W., Chang, K., Cheng, W., Sharma, C. S. 2017. Growth and biofilm formation by Salmonella spp. in catfish mucus extract on four food-contact surfaces at 22°C and 10°C and their reduction. . Food Microbiology


Tan, Y., Chang, S. 2017. Digestive enzyme inhibition activity of phenolic substances in selected fruits, vegetables and tea as compared to black legumes. J. Functional Foods 38(Part B):644-655.


Tan, Y., Chang, K., Zhang, Y. 2017. Comparison of alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase and lipase inhibition activity of the phenolic substances in two black legumes of different genera. Food Chemistry 214:259-268.


Wu, Y., Chang, S., Nannapaneni, R., Zhang, Y., Coker, R., Mahmoud, B. 2017. The effects of X-ray treatments on bioaccumulated murine norovirus-1 (MNV-1) and survivability, inherent microbiota, color, and firmness of Atlantic oysters (Crassostrea virginica) during storage at 5° C for 20 days. . Food Control


Kumari, S., Chang, S. 2016. Effect of cooking on isoflavones, phenolic acids and antioxidant activity in sprouts of Prosoy soybean (Glycine max). . Journal of Food Science 81(7):C1679.


Chang, S., Mahmoud, B., Nannapaneni, R., Wu, Y., Coker, R. 2016. Improving the safety and quality of raw tuna fillets by X-ray irradiation. Food Control 60:569-574.


Tan, Y., Chang, S., Zhang, Y. 2016. Innovative soaking and grinding methods and cooking affect the retention of isoflavones, antioxidant and anti-proliferative properties in soymilk prepared from black soybean. Journal of Food Science 81(4):H1016-1023.


Meng, S., Chang, S., Gillen, A., Zhang, Y. 2016. Protein and quality analyses of accessions from the USDA soybean germplasm collection for tofu production . Food Chemistry 213:31-39.


Wu, Y., Mahmoud, B., Chang, S., Nannapaneni, R., Haque, Z., Coker, R. 2016. The efficacy of X-ray doses on murine norovirus-1 (MNV-1) in pure culture, half- shell oyster, salmon sushi, and tuna salad. Food Control 64:77-80.


Zhang, Y., Chang, S. 2016. Isoflavone profiles and kinetic changes during ultra-high temperature processing of soymilk. Journal of Food Science 81(3):C593-599.


Mahmoud, B., Nannapaneni, R., Chang, S., Coker, R. 2016. Effect of X-ray treatments on Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella enterica and inherent microbiota on whole mangoes. Letters in Applied Microbiology 62:138-144.


Mahmoud, B., Chang, C. K., Wu, Y., Nannapaneni, R., Sharma, C., Coker, R. 2015. Effect of X-ray treatments on Salmonella enterica and spoilage bacteria on skin-on chicken breast fillets and shell eggs. Food Control 57:110-114.


Shi, X., Li, ., Wang, S., Qiu, L., Zhang, L., Han, T., Wang, Q., Chang, S. K., Guo, S. 2015. Flavor characteristic analysis of soymilk prepared by different soybean cultivars and establishment of evaluation method of soybean cultivars suitable for soymilk processing. . Food Chemistry 185:422-429.


Mahmoud, B., Nannapaneni, R., Chang, S., Coker, R. 2015. Improving the safety and quality of raw tuna fillets by X-ray irradiation. . Food Control 60:569-574.


Zhang, Y., Chang, S. K., Liu, Z. 2015. Isoflavone profile in soymilk as affected by soybean variety, grinding and heat processing methods. J Food Science 80:C983-988.


Chen, Y., Chang, S. K. 2015. Macronutrients, phytochemicals, and antioxidant activity of soybean sprout germinated with or without light exposure. . J Food Science 80(6):S1391-1398.


Helms, T. C., Nelson, B. D., Chang, S. K. 2015. Registration of ‘ND1406HP’ Soybean. . Journal of Plant Registrations 9:315-317.

Extension Publications

Year Publications

Graduate Students

    Awards & Honors

    • Certificate for being a finalist for the Ralph E Powe Distinguished Research Award
      Mississippi State University-ORED
    • Certificate of Honoring 10-year Service 10 at MSU
      Mississippi State University
    • Review Panelist for Department of Food Science at U of Arkansas
      University of Arkansas
    • Distinguished Scientific Editor Award
      Institute of Food T
    • Faculty Excellence in Research
      MAFES-CALS and Land-Bank
    • Honorary endowed professor
      National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
    • Scientific Editor Appointment
      Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)
    • Invited Guest Editor
      Journal of Antioxidants
    • Nominee for IFT Lifetime achievement/Nicolas Appert Award
    • Invited grant proposal reviewer
      Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research-Seeding Solution
    • Invited reviewer for promotion
      New Mexico State University
    • Invited grant review panelist
    • Invited panel reviewer and Judge
      USDA-ARS sponsored global proposal reviews through HeroX
    • Invited judge
      BARD- US-Israel bilateral research program
    • Invited Judge
      Oregon State University
    • Invited Speaker
      US Soybean Export Council
    • Invited Speaker
      University of Missouri
    • Invited Speaker
      Asia University
    • Invited Speaker
      National Pintung University of Science and Technology (NPUST)
    • Invited Speaker
      National Kaohsiung University of Scioence and Technology (NKUST)
    • Advisory Board Meeting for a large research program
      Virginia Tech University
    • Invited Speaker and Evaluator
      Shanghai Jiaotong University and Dongguan University of Sci & Tech
    • Invited Keynote Speaker
      Innovation Conference on Food Science and Nutrition
    • Scientific Editor Appointment
      Elsevier Publishing Group
    • Invited Speaker
      National Kaohsiung Marine University of Science and Technology
    • Distinguished visiting professor
      Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Agriculture
    • Invited Speaker
      Shengyang Pharmaceutical University
    • Invited Speaker
      Shengyang Agricultural University
    • Lifetime Achievement Award
      Chinese American Food Society

    Society Memberships

    • American Chemical Society
    • American Society for Nutriton
    • Chinese American Food Society
    • Functional Food Center
    • Institute of Food Technologists
    • International Association of Food Protection
    • International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods
    • National Association of Plant Breeders
    • World Aquaculture