Dr. Juan L. Silva
- Mississippi State University, Doctor of Philosophy (PHD), Food Science & Tech
- Mississippi State University, Master of Science (MS), Chemical Engineering
- Mississippi State University, Bachelor of Science (BS), Chemical Engineering
Research Interests
Food microbial safety
Enhanced processing and products
Year | Publications |
2023 | Leopard, J., Mathews, R., Silva, ., White, S. 2023. Assessing Microbial Risks of Raw Goat Milk and Dairy Goat Farmer Food Safety Perceptions in Mississippi. Mississippi Academy of Sciences 68(2-3). |
2022 | Canales Medina, D., Silva, J. L., Anderson, J. F. 2022. The Adoption of Food Safety Practices and the Implications of Regulation for Small Scale Farms. Journal of Extension 60(2). |
2022 | Abdallah Ruiz, A., Siberio Wood, L., Kim, T., Schilling, M. W., White, S., Chen, B., Durango-Villadiego, A., Silva, J. L. 2022. Microbial indicators and possible focal points of contamination during production and processing of catfish. . Foods 11(2778). |
2021 | Kim, S., Meyers, S. L., Silva, J. L., Schilling, M. W., Wood, L. S. 2021. Sensory and Nutritional Characteristics of Concept Frozen Desserts Made from Underutilized Sweetpotato Roots. HortTechnology 1(aop):1--7. |
2020 | Ramos Cassellis, M., Luna Guevara, M., Silva, J. L. 2020. Evaluation of cellulase activity of fungi isolated from vanilla beans (Vanilla planifolia ex Andrews). International Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Research 38(8):33-39. Download |
2020 | Silva, J. L., Cassellis,, M., Maria E. Ramos Cassellis1, Maria L. Luna Guevara1*, Jorge E. Campos Contreras2,Victor M Salazar Rojas2, Alma Karina Leon Teutli, . 2020. Evaluation of cellulase activity of fungi isolated from vanilla beans (Vanilla planifolia Jacks. ex Andrews). Int. J. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Res. 8:33-39. |
2019 | Siberio, L., Kim, T., Schilling, M. W., Silva, J. L. 2019. Incidence of Salmonella spp. in catfish farming environments by improved detection method. Food Control |
2018 | Hendrix, J. D., Zhang, X., Campbell, Y. L., Zhang, L., Siberio, L., Cord, C., Silva, J. L., Goddard, J., Kim, T., Phillips, T. W., Schilling, M. W. 2018. Effects of temperature, relative humidity, and protective netting on Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank)(Sarcoptiformes: Acaridae) infestation, fungal growth, and product quality of dry cured hams. Journal of Stored Products Research 77:211--218. |
2018 | Silva, J. L. 2018. Effects of temperature on biofilm formation and quorum sensing of Aeromonas hydrophilla. J Italian Food Science 30(3):456-466. Download |
2017 | Silva, J. L. 2017. Incidencia de Salmonella spp en bagre de canal (Ictalurus punctatus) en Mississippi, Estados Unidos. Produccion + Limpia 12(1):72-80. Download |
2016 | Luna-Guevara, J. J., Luna-Guevara, M. L., Cruz-Diaz, Y., Leyva-Abascal, L., Silva, J. L., Herrera-Cabrera, B. E. 2016. Medidas y limites de control durante el proceso de beneficiado de Vainilla planifolia Jacks. ex Andrews. Agroproductividad. Agroproductividad 9(Suplemento):33-34. Download |
2014 | Ciaramella, M., Allen, P., Joseph, P., D’Abramo, L., Silva, J. L., Kim, T., Schilling, M. 2014. Effect of salt treatments on survival and consumer acceptability of freshwater prawn, Macrobranchium rosenbergii. Aquaculture 428:184–188. |
2014 | Desai, M. A., Joseph, P., Suman, S. P., Silva, J. L., Kim, T., Schilling, M. W. 2014. Proteome basis of red color defect in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fillets. LWT-Food Science and Technology 57(1):141–148. |
2014 | Shen, Q., Jangam, P. M., Soni, K. A., Nannapaneni, R., Schilling, M. W., Silva, J. L. 2014. Low, medium, and high heat tolerant strains of Listeria monocytogenes and increased heat stress resistance after exposure to sublethal heat. Journal of food protection 77(8):1298-307. |
2014 | Shen, Q., Jangam, P. M., Soni, K. A., Nannapaneni, R., Schilling, W., Silva, J. L. 2014. Low, medium, and high heat tolerant strains of Listeria monocytogenes and increased heat stress resistance after exposure to sublethal heat. Journal of food protection 77(8):1298-307. |
2013 | Soni, K. A., Oladunjoye, A., Nannapaneni, R., Schilling, M. W., Silva, J. L., Mikel, B., Bailey, H. 2013. Inhibition and inactivation of Salmonella Typhimurium biofilms from polystyrene and stainless steel surfaces by essential oils and phenolic constituent carvacrol. Journal of food protection 76(2):205--212. |
2013 | Kin, S., Morrison, R., Tolentino, A. C., Pham, A. J., Smith, B. S., Kim, T., Silva, J. L., Schilling, M. W. 2013. Sensory and Physicochemical Properties of Smoked Catfish Sausages. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 22(5):496–507. |
2013 | Schilling, M. W., Silva, J. L., Pham, A. J., Kim, T., D’Abramo, L. R., Jackson, V. 2013. Sensory Enhancement of Freshwater Prawns Through Post-Harvest Salt Acclimation. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 22(2):129–136. |
2013 | Oladunjoye, A., Soni, K. A., Nannapaneni, R., Schilling, M. W., Silva, J. L., Mikel, B., Bailey, H., Mahmoud, B. S., Sharma, C. S. 2013. Synergistic activity between lauric arginate and carvacrol in reducing Salmonella in ground turkey. Poultry science 92(5):1357-65. |
2013 | Soni, K. A., Oladunjoye, A., Nannapaneni, R., Schilling, M. W., Mikel, W. B., Bailey, H. 2013. Inhibition and inactivation of Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella enterica biofilms from polystyrene and stainless steel surfaces by essential oils. Journal of Food Protection 76(2):205-212. |
2012 | Kin, S., Schilling, M. W., Kim, T., Smith, B. S., Silva, J. L., Campano, S. G., Jackson, V. 2012. Effects of potassium lactate and acetate on listeria monocytogenes inhibition, physicochemical and sensory properties of smoked catfish fillets. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 21(4):338–350. |
2012 | Kin, S., Wes Schilling, M., Smith, B. S., Kim, T., Byron Williams, J., Silva, J. L. 2012. Use of Antimicrobials to Extend Shelf Life in Fresh Catfish Fillets. MAFES (Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station) 24. |
2012 | Desai, M. A., Soni, K. A., Nannapaneni, R., Schilling, M. W., Silva, J. L. 2012. Reduction of Listeria monocytogenes in raw catfish fillets by essential oils and phenolic constituent carvacrol. Journal of food science 77(9):M516-22. |
2012 | Desai, M. A., Soni, K. A., Nannapaneni, R., Schilling, M. W., Silva, J. L. 2012. Reduction of Listeria monocytogenes biofilms on stainless steel and polystyrene surfaces by essential oils. Journal of food protection 75(7):1332-7. |
2011 | Lilly, R. A., Schilling, M., Silva, J. L., Martin, J., Corzo, A. 2011. The effects of dietary amino acid density in broiler feed on carcass characteristics and meat quality. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research 20(1):56–67. |
2011 | Kin, S., Schilling, M. W., Smith, B. S., Silva, J. L., Kim, T., Pham, A. J., Campano, S. G. 2011. Potassium acetate and potassium lactate enhance the microbiological and physical properties of marinated catfish fillets. Journal of food science 76(4):S242-50. |
2010 | Kin, S., Schilling, M. W., Smith, B. S., Silva, J. L., Jackson, V., Kim, T. 2010. Phosphate type affects the quality of injected catfish fillets. Journal of food science 75(1):S74-80. |
2009 | Kin, S., Schilling, M. W., Silva, J. L., Smith, B. S., Jackson, V., Kim, T. 2009. Effects of phosphate type on the quality of vacuum-tumbled catfish fillets. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 18(4):400–415. |
2009 | Kin, S., Schilling, M. W., Smith, B. S., Kim, T., Williams, J., Silva, J. L. 2009. Ingredient Optimization in Fresh, Marinated Catfish Fillets. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station |
2006 | Chou, C., Silva, J. L., Wang, C. 2006. Prevalence and typing of Listeria monocytogenes in raw catfish fillets. Journal of food protection 69(4):815--819. |
1999 | Wang, C., Silva, J. L. 1999. Prevalence and characteristics of Aeromonas species isolated from processed channel catfish. Journal of food protection 62(1):30--34. |
Extension Publications
Year | Publications |
2020 | Stafne, E. T., Melanson, R. A., Layton, M. B., Silva, J. L., Canales Medina, D. 2020. Establishment and maintenance of blueberries. Mississippi State University Extension Service P1758:24. Download |
2020 | Silva, J. L. 2020. COVID-19 Preventive Measures for Food Industry Professionals. Mississippi State University, Extension Service Download |
2020 | Silva, J. L., abdallah-ruiz, a. 2020. COVID-19 medidas preventivas para profesionales de la industria de alimentos, incluyendo productores/manejadores de frutas y hortalizas. Mississippi State University, Extension Service Download |
Graduate Students
- Jailyn Smith
- Jose Eusse
Awards & Honors
- Group Recognition Award
Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance- - Group Recognition Award
Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance- - International Excellence Award
Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance-
Society Memberships
- Institute Food technologists
- Institute For Thermal Processing Specialists